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{Gielczyk Family}

Gielczyk previews are up!! Please let family and friends know that if they would like first glance at the rest of the images, to go on over and {like} Mallory Kate Photography on Facebook!

Please remember, I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you! -- When images go live on facebook, feel free to tag family/friends!


{Ella:6 months}

Previews are up for miss Ellla ~ She is seriously adorable!! She might look familiar if you are a regular block checker {Ella: 3 months} Let family andfriends know that if they want first glance at the rest of her session, to go on over and {like} Mallory Kate Photography on Facebook!

Please remember, I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you! -- When images go live on facebook, feel free to tag family/friends!

{Stephenson Family}

Previews are up!! Please let family and friends know that if they would like to see the rest of your session -- to go on over and {like} Mallory Kate Photography on Facebook! If I can get them uploaded before I leave, they will be up for viewing on Saturday -- otherwise, if I am in a time crunch, they will be up when I get back from Ohio on Monday!

Please remember, I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you!


{Class of 2013: Tyler}

This spring {Tyler} will be graduating from Tri County High School -- and has {huge} plans afterward!! (Think GVSU/medical!} It was great to meet you and (sorry about my wrong turn).
Let family & friends know that if they would like to see more images from his session to go over and {like} Mallory Kate Photography on Facebook. His album will start in a few days.

Please remember, I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you!


{Martin Family}

Ever get the feeling you could just sit and chat with a family or with someone for hours even when you just met them. Constantly meeting new families (and fellow yoopers!!) and I only get to chat with them for such a short time and -- poof-- they go home and I go back to editing!
Martin family -- your previews are up!! Let your family and friends know that if they would like to see more images from your session, to go and {like} Mallory Kate Photography on Facebook. Family album will start in a few days!!

Please remember, I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you!



It does not seem that long ago when I was facebook stalking away on your facebook page waiting for pictures after you had her :) Little miss is quite determined and strong-willed;by that I mean, she is 5 months -->{full crawl and pulls herself to a standing position!}Pretty soon I will have to facebook stalk your page to see pictures of her walking!!!
B&B - let family and friends know that your family album will start Sunday! If they would like to see the images live right when they go up, go on over and {like} Mallory Kate Photography. We leave town tomorrow, but will start your album when we get home!

{L-O-V-E this!}

Please remember, I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you!

{Once upon a time}





{Look how excited she is to have a sister on the way!!}

{A blessing from heaven-- another baby girl will be joining the Fish Family!}

{Family of 4 with 3 angels in heaven}


{Waanders Family}

Previews are up!!
Let your family and friends know that if they would like to see more from your session to go on over and {like} Mallory Kate Photography on Facebook -- album will start in a few days!!

Please remember, I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you!


{Fish Family}

It is very exciting to meet new families! As much as I am looking forward to the move out of state this Spring, I am not looking forward to having to say goodbye to sooo many families that I have grown so close to!
{Fish family} previews are below! If you would like to see more from their {family} session-- please go on over and {like} Mallory Kate Photography where the family album will start in a few days!

Please remember, I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you!


{Schuberg Family}

I love sessions when I get to see my preschoolers and their families from last year!!
Schuberg family -- your previews are below! Tell family and friends to go over and {like} Mallory Kate Photography on Facebook if they want first glance at your images when they go up in a few days!!

Please remember, I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you!

{McKenzie is 4}

 Happy Happy Birthday {Miss McKenzie!}
Wishing you love, sunshine and laughter
Not just for today but all the days after!
A certain {4 year old} got her pictures taken yesterday just in time for her birthday!! Her previews are below! Family and friends, if you would like to see more images from McKenzie's {4} year session -- go on over and {like} Mallory Kate Photography on Facebook!

Please remember, I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you!