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{Superhero Snack Down}

 -- Every little man has a favorite superhero -- 

Some aspire and look up to {batman} 

Run, chase, climb, build, tear apart, make a mess, get dirty -- mom's of boys -- you know these things equal boy -- so we have fun at Superhero shoots!

I am not a movie person, I am a strange American who does not enjoy watching movies -- so I have no clue what most of these Superhero's are hero's for -- but I have heard these names mentioned a ton of times on Big Bang Theory!

Then we have this little one, so, so adorable! -- aspires for both {batman} and to be a {minion} - How would that name work out? {bation} {batmion} {binion}

Spiderman is next -- 

thankfully, he was kind enough to let me see him! 

really, it was just a cookie break! 

Hulk -- Incredible Hulk -- showing off his moves (and his eyes)! 

Superhero shoots are just fun! 

So -- what superhero is your little man's favorite? 

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