This sweetie pie along with her sister have the most amazing set of eyes -- getting these into Photoshop and those big, bold, eyes just capture you in! Two images down you will see exactly what I am referring to.
Little miss is getting ready to celebrate her {first} birthday -- and you can tell from this very first picture how much she LOVED that cake!!
Please enjoy the previews! (Remember, if a mobile user - please scroll down to the very bottom of the page and select view mobile - this allows you to see the blog the way it is represented on a pc!)
These are just previews -- client has {many} more images coming! If you like my style of work - please consider sharing as we run solely off of word or mouth/social media!
Feel free to use images on social media -- if the logo is cropped (let's face it, FB does it all the time to all of us! and that is out of our control) - if you would be so kind and just tag Mallory Kate Photography if this happens, we would so greatly appreciate it!
4-5 days and disc will be ready to go! ~ mkp