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Little Miss Brooke is {almost} one!
Next month, I will be out of the country and then we move out of state -- so we pushed up the session date!!! {Thank you K&B for working around the crazy schedule!}
Glance back down memory lane; here are the links to the maternity session and her newborn previews.  You can view albums in full on Facebook!
Here are the previews from our session over the weekend! If you would like to see more of her album in full and some of the family pictures, please go and {like} Mallory Kate Photography on Facebook and you will have first glance when the images are up in a few days!

Please remember, I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them or editing can halt. Thanks!


{Stocki Family}

After several rain  snow delays -- we finally were able to get together this evening for this {large-group} family session! Thank you sunshine (although we could have went without the wind).
{Stocki} family previews are up and I hope you love them! It was great to finally meet you! Please let family and friends know that if they would like to see more from your session to go on over and {like} Mallory Kate Photography on Facebook. Your album will start in a few days!

Thanks for stopping by to check out previews! Please remember: I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you! Once they are up on Facebook, feel free to tag family/friends.


This little guy celebrated his {First} Birthday this week!

If you want to see more from his session (including his cake smash): Make sure to go to check them out at Mallory Kate Photography on Facebook where his album will be uploaded in a few days!
Thanks for stopping by to check out previews! Please remember: I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you! Once they are up on Facebook, feel free to tag family/friends



Hard to believe how fast {one year} can fly by!
Sweet Ella is so happy, easy-going, content, and a joy to be around. Check out the previews from her one year session. More from her session will be uploaded to Mallory Kate Photography on Facebook in a few days!
(p.s. we will be driving by on Saturday with the dogs: do you want us to stop by!?)

Please remember, I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you!


{Abbie & Max}

One of the hardest parts of moving to a new area... leaving behind those you know! It has flown by and I wish I would have met Danielle when I first moved to the area years ago! They are embarking on a move of their own and I wish them the best!
Previews are up for the kiddos! So thankful we got the session in before the rain hit!! Want to see more from the session: Go to Mallory Kate Photography on Facebook-- they will be up tomorrow!

{Love his eyes in this picture! -- had to post as one of the previews}
Thanks for stopping by to check out previews! Please remember: I get notified when you take my photographs. No downloading, cropping, or altering of images is allowed due to Copyright. It is illegal to take photographs and I will ask you to remove them! Thank you! Once they are up on Facebook, feel free to tag family/friends.